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So, you’ve taken our App Necessity Calculator, and your app idea scored between 60 and 79. 

Congratulations! You’re in the sweet spot of possibility—and potential confusion.

Your score suggests that an app could add value to your business; it’s not a clear-cut decision.

You’re at a digital crossroads, and it’s time to carefully weigh your options.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

Understanding Your Score

A score in this range typically means one of two things:

  1. You have a solid case for creating an app, but there might be some gaps or concerns to address.
  2. Your needs could potentially be met through other digital solutions.

Either way, you’re in a position where careful consideration is key.

Let’s explore your options.

The App Route: Pros and Cons


  • Direct access to users’ devices
  • Ability to use device features (camera, GPS, etc.)
  • Potential for offline functionality
  • Brand presence on app stores


  • Higher development and maintenance costs
  • Need for updates across multiple platforms
  • Potential user resistance to downloading another app

The Alternative Routes

  1. Progressive Web App (PWA): PWAs offer the best of both worlds—they offer app-like functionality through a web browser. They’re faster to develop, work across all devices, and don’t require app store approval.
  2. Mobile-Responsive Website: Sometimes, a well-designed, mobile-responsive website is all you need. It’s cost-effective, universally accessible, and easier to update.
  3. Hybrid Approach: You could start with a mobile-responsive website or PWA and transition to a full app later if needed.

Key Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. What specific features do you need that requires a native app?
  2. How often will your users interact with your digital product?
  3. What’s your budget for development and ongoing maintenance?
  4. How important is offline functionality for your users?
  5. Could a well-optimized website or PWA meet your current needs?

Next Steps: Making the Right Choice

  1. Dive Deeper into User Needs: Conduct surveys or interviews with your target users. Understanding their preferences and behaviours is crucial in making the right decision.
  2. Analyse Competitors: Look at what similar businesses in your industry are doing. Are they using apps effectively? Or are they thriving with web-based solutions?
  3. Consider Your Long-Term Strategy: Consider where your business will be in 2-3 years. Will an app align with your future goals, or could it become a costly distraction?
  4. Get Expert Advice: Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide clarity. Consider consulting with digital strategy experts who can assess your specific situation.

The Bottom Line

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Your score suggests that you have options, and that’s a good thing!

The key is to make an informed decision based on your unique business needs, user preferences, and long-term goals.

At Riselabs, we’ve helped numerous businesses make this exact decision. Sometimes, we guide them towards building powerful apps; other times, we help them create robust web-based solutions that perfectly fit their needs.

Not sure which path to take?

We’re here to help. Book a free consultation with our team, and we’ll help you explore your options and find the perfect digital solution for your business.

Book Your Free Digital Strategy Consultation

Remember, the goal isn’t to have an app or not have an app. The goal is to create the best possible digital experience for your users while driving your business forward.

Let’s find that sweet spot together!


Boosting business productivity through tailored tech solutions | Transforming challenges into opportunities! CEO @Riselabs