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The Non-Technical Leader’s Guide to Managing Tech Projects

You're a successful business leader. You've got a track record of delivering results, managing teams, and driving growth. But now you're faced with overseeing the implementation of a major software development project, and suddenly, you feel like you've been dropped into a foreign country without a phrasebook. You're not a project manager. Terms like 'agile', 'DevOps', and 'microservices' are being thrown around, and you're nodding along, hoping no one notices the glazed look in your eyes. Sound familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone.
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Make your business more profitable by working on these 9 areas

If you're a business owner, you're likely trying to make a profit by increasing sales. A focus on increasing profit is a critical goal for any business, right? However, discovering other ways to increase profit and make your business more profitable is pivotal for sustained growth and success.  This guide delves into nine effective strategies, focusing on productivity enhancements and efficient practices, whether you're an established SME or a new business.
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