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If you’ve landed here, it means your score on our App Necessity Calculator was between 80-100. 

In other words, an app could be a great fit for your business needs.

But before you rush off to hire the first app developer you can find, let’s pump the brakes for a moment.

A high score doesn’t guarantee success – it just means you’ve got a solid foundation to build upon.

Now comes the exciting (and challenging) part: turning that potential into a successful app.

Let’s break down your next steps.

  1. Define Your MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

First things first: resist the urge to cram every feature you can think of into your app.

Instead, focus on creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Here’s how:

  • List out all the features you think your app needs.
  • Now, ruthlessly cut that list down to the bare essentials. What does your app absolutely need to solve your users’ primary problem?
  • Prioritise these features based on impact and development time.

Remember, Facebook didn’t start with a marketplace, events, or even the ‘Like’ button.

It began as a simple platform for college students to connect.

Start small, but start strong.

  1. Know Your Market Inside Out

You might think you’ve got a killer app idea, but does your target market agree?

It’s time to do some homework:

  • Conduct user surveys to validate your app idea. Are you solving a real problem?
  • Analyse competitor apps. What are they doing well? Where are they falling short?
  • Identify your unique selling point. Why would users choose your app over existing solutions?

The more you know about your market, the better positioned you’ll be to create an app that truly resonates with users.

  1. Plan for the Long Haul

Building an app isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ kind of deal.

It’s more like adopting a high-maintenance pet.

You need to be prepared for the long-term commitment:

  • Budget for ongoing maintenance and updates. A good rule of thumb is to set aside about 20% of the initial development cost for annual maintenance.
  • Consider a phased approach to feature rollout. This allows you to gather user feedback and iterate as you go.
  • Think about scalability from the start. How will your app handle it when you go from 100 users to 100,000?
  1. Choose the Right Development Approach

Native, hybrid, or cross-platform?

Each approach has its pros and cons:

  • Native apps offer the best performance and full device integration but are more expensive and require separate development for iOS and Android.
  • Hybrid apps are cheaper and faster to develop but may lag in performance for complex applications.
  • Cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter offer a middle ground, allowing you to develop for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

Your choice will depend on factors like your budget, performance needs, and target audience.

Don’t be afraid to seek expert advice at this stage – it could save you a lot of headaches down the road.

  1. Don’t Forget About Marketing

Even the best app in the world won’t succeed if nobody knows about it.

Start thinking about your marketing strategy early:

  • How will you launch your app?
  • Can you get people interested in your app before launch?
  • What channels will you use to reach your target audience?
  • How will you encourage downloads and user retention?

Remember, app stores are crowded places.

You need a solid plan to make your app stand out.

The Bottom Line

Scoring high on our App Necessity Calculator means you’re off to a good start.

But it’s just that – a start. Building a successful app requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing commitment.

At Riselabs, we’ve guided countless businesses through the app development journey. We’ve seen the pitfalls, celebrated the successes, and learned a thing or two along the way.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your app development journey, why not chat with one of our experts? We can help you refine your concept, choose the right development approach, and create a roadmap to bring your app idea to life.

Book Your Free App Strategy Session

Remember, every successful app started as an idea.

With the right approach, yours could be next. Let’s make it happen!


Boosting business productivity through tailored tech solutions | Transforming challenges into opportunities! CEO @Riselabs