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You’re a successful business leader.

You’ve got a track record of delivering results, managing teams, and driving growth.

But now you’re faced with overseeing the implementation of a major software development project, and suddenly, you feel like you’ve been dropped into a foreign country without a phrasebook.

You’re not a project manager.

Terms like ‘agile’, ‘DevOps’, and ‘microservices’ are being thrown around, and you’re nodding along, hoping no one notices the glazed look in your eyes.

Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Many leaders find themselves in this position, especially as technology becomes increasingly central to business operations.

The good news?

You don’t need to become a coding whiz to manage tech projects successfully. Let’s break down some fundamental principles to help you confidently navigate these waters.

1. Speak the Language (Sort Of)

First things first, you need to get comfortable with some basic software engineer lingo.

No, you don’t need to learn to code, but understanding key terms will help you communicate effectively with your tech team.

Our strategy: Create a glossary of common tech terms relevant to your project.

Have your tech leads contribute to this and keep it updated.

This isn’t just for you – it’s a valuable resource for all non-technical stakeholders.

Tool: Use Notion as a Wiki for your project, storing terms and related project team documents.

2. Focus on Outcomes, Not Output

As a business leader, you’re well-versed in focusing on results.

Apply this same best practice principle to your tech projects.

Instead of getting bogged down in the technical details, focus on the business outcomes the project is meant to deliver.

Our strategy: Work with your tech team to establish clear, measurable objectives that align with business goals.

These should be in a metric language that any stakeholder can understand – think ‘increase customer retention by 20%’, not ‘implement a NoSQL database’.

Prioritise outcomes.

3. Embrace Agile (But Understand What It Really Means)

You’ve probably heard of agile methodology, but it’s often misunderstood.

At its core, agile is about flexibility, continuous improvement, and delivering value incrementally.

Our strategy: Don’t just adopt agile terminology – embrace its principles.

Encourage regular check-ins, be open to pivoting when needed, and celebrate small wins along the way.

Remember, perfect is the enemy of done.

4. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Assumptions are dangerous in tech projects.

Foster an environment of open, frequent communication between tech and non-tech team members.

Employing the help of a dedicated and independent project manager can make a world of difference.

Our strategy: Implement regular stand-ups or check-ins where tech progress is discussed in business terms.

Encourage your tech team to flag potential issues early and ensure they feel comfortable bringing concerns to you.

5. Trust Your Experts (But Verify)

You’ve hired smart people for a reason.

Trust their expertise, but don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification.

Our strategy: Cultivate a ‘no silly questions’ culture.

If something doesn’t make sense to you, it probably doesn’t make sense to other non-technical stakeholders either.

Your questions can help bridge the gap between tech and business perspectives.

So, how do you put all this into practice?

  1. Set Clear Expectations: From the outset, establish what success looks like in business terms. Ensure everyone, from the junior developer to the CEO, understands these goals.
  2. Break It Down: Work with your tech leads to divide the project into manageable phases. This will make progress easier to track and help prevent scope creep.
  3. Stay Involved, But Don’t Micromanage: Regular check-ins are crucial, but resist the urge to look over shoulders. Trust your team to handle the day-to-day while you focus on clearing roadblocks and managing stakeholder expectations.
  4. Manage Risk Proactively: Encourage your team to identify potential risks early. Remember, in tech projects, unforeseen challenges are not unusual. The key is how you handle them.
  5. Celebrate Wins: Tech projects can be long and complex. Recognise and celebrate milestones along the way to keep morale and motivation high.

Remember, as a leader, your role isn’t to understand every technical detail.

Your job is to provide clear direction, remove obstacles, and ensure the project delivers real business value.

At Riselabs, we’ve guided numerous non-technical leaders through complex tech projects.

We’ve seen first-hand that with the right approach, these leaders often bring valuable perspectives that tech-focused teams might miss.

If you’re facing the challenge of managing a tech project and feeling out of your depth, don’t panic.

Reach out to us at Riselabs.

We specialise in bridging the gap between business and technology, ensuring your tech projects deliver real, measurable value to your organisation.

After all, in today’s digital age, every leader needs to be comfortable with technology. With these principles in hand, you’re well on your way to tech project success – no coding required.


Boosting business productivity through tailored tech solutions | Transforming challenges into opportunities! CEO @Riselabs