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We’ve all been there. The boardroom falls silent as you finish your presentation on the latest tech initiative.

You’ve covered AI, blockchain, cloud computing – the works.

But instead of the excitement you expected, the CEO leans forward with a pointed question: “How exactly does this help us sell more widgets?”

Cue the uncomfortable silence.

It’s a scene that plays out in companies across the country. Tech teams, buzzing with excitement about cutting-edge innovations, struggle to connect their plans to concrete business objectives.

Meanwhile, business leaders, laser-focused on growth, efficiency, and the bottom line, are left puzzled by tech proposals that seem more science fiction than sound strategy.

This disconnect isn’t just frustrating—it’s costly. It leads to misaligned priorities, wasted resources, and missed opportunities.

But fear not.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and explore how we can bridge this gap, getting everyone on the same page and speaking the same language.

1. Communication

Here’s the thing: tech folks and business leaders often speak different languages.

One side is talking about microservices and APIs, while the other is focused on market share and ROI.

Our strategy: Create a ‘translation layer’. Designate team members who are comfortable in both worlds to act as interpreters. These tech-savvy business analysts or business-minded developers can help ensure that ideas and objectives are understood on both sides.

2. Misaligned Metrics

Too often, tech teams and business teams are working towards different goals.

The tech team might celebrate improved system uptime while management worries about customer acquisition costs.

Our strategy: Develop shared KPIs that tie tech initiatives directly to business outcomes. For instance, don’t just measure page load times; measure how improved speed impacts conversion rates or customer satisfaction scores.

3. Short-Term vs Long-Term

The board often needs quick wins to satisfy shareholders, while tech initiatives frequently require longer-term investment for significant payoff.

Our strategy: Balance your tech roadmap with a mix of quick wins and longer-term strategic projects. Show how short-term improvements pave the way for bigger transformations down the line.

4. Innovation vs Stability

Tech teams love to innovate, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Business owners, however, often prioritise stability and predictability.

Our strategy: Foster a culture of ‘stable innovation’. Implement new technologies in a phased approach, demonstrating value at each stage. Use techniques like A/B testing to prove the impact of innovations before full-scale rollout.

5. Budget

Tech initiatives often come with hefty price tags, which can be a hard sell for businesses focused on cost reduction.

Our strategy: Speak the language of ROI. Don’t just present costs; show projected returns. Better yet, implement in phases and demonstrate actual returns from early stages to build confidence for further investment.

So, how do we bring it all together?

  1. Start with the ‘Why’: Before diving into the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of tech projects, clearly articulate why they matter to the business. Link every initiative back to core business objectives.
  2. Educate and Be Educated: Organise regular sessions where tech teams can explain new technologies to business leaders, and they can share insights about market trends and customer needs.
  3. Create a Unified Roadmap: Develop a technology roadmap that aligns with and supports the overall business strategy. Make this a collaborative effort between tech and business teams.
  4. Implement Governance Structures: Establish a tech steering committee that includes tech and senior leadership. This will ensure ongoing alignment and provide a forum for addressing challenges.
  5. Measure What Matters: Develop metrics demonstrating tech initiatives’ business impact. Move beyond purely technical metrics to those that directly tie to business outcomes.

Remember, aligning tech strategy with business objectives isn’t a one-time exercise—it’s an ongoing process that requires constant communication, collaboration, and, sometimes, compromise.

At Riselabs, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful a well-aligned tech strategy can be.

When tech and business teams are in sync, the results can be truly transformative. On the other hand, misalignment can lead to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and frustration on all sides.

If you’re struggling to bridge the gap between your tech initiatives and business goals, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Reach out to us at Riselabs. We specialise in helping businesses create tech strategies that don’t just sound good in the server room but deliver real results in the boardroom.

After all, in today’s digital world, every company is a tech company.

The ones that succeed are those that make technology work for their business, not the other way around.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk


Boosting business productivity through tailored tech solutions | Transforming challenges into opportunities! CEO @Riselabs