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Project Management

How to Get a Stalled Tech Project Back on Track

Tech projects can sometimes hit roadblocks that cause delays and stress for everyone involved. When a project stalls, it can be frustrating and challenging to get it back on track. Understanding the reasons behind the delay and taking strategic steps to address them are crucial for moving forward. You can revive your stalled project and achieve your goals with the right approach. Identifying the root causes of the delay is the first step. Many projects stall due to unclear objectives, poor communication, or technical challenges.
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The Non-Technical Leader’s Guide to Managing Tech Projects

You're a successful business leader. You've got a track record of delivering results, managing teams, and driving growth. But now you're faced with overseeing the implementation of a major software development project, and suddenly, you feel like you've been dropped into a foreign country without a phrasebook. You're not a project manager. Terms like 'agile', 'DevOps', and 'microservices' are being thrown around, and you're nodding along, hoping no one notices the glazed look in your eyes. Sound familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone.
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5 Signs Your Tech Project is Headed for Trouble (And How to Course Correct)

Picture this: Your business is innovating. You've got a new project idea, and it'll make all the difference to your company's workload, making your team happier, your customers spending more, and the profits roll in. You've adopted the role of Project Sponsor. But it's been months, and your project schedule is off track. You can't seem to launch anything, and customers are growing weary of your current technology, be it a website, app, or system. What's going wrong? And how do you establish a plan of action to correct the course?
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